Episode 6
Mary Ann Kennedy and Lucy Cooke drum up a foraged feast with friends at the Wildluing Observatory in Argyll.
Mà iri Anna NicUalraig agus Liusaidh Cooke a’ rùrachd stòras nà dair. Deireadh an t-sreath, tha Liusaidh agus Mà iri Anna a’ dèanamh air eilean Luinn, agus Wildluing a thogadh leis an teaghlach Cadzow a cheannaich an t-eilean còrr air 75 bliadhna air ais agus a chuir cuideachd air chois treud-chruidh à raid Luinn. Tha iad a’ cur crìch air deasachadh a’ bhidhe air thoiseach air cà irdean a’ ruigheachd, nam measg a’ ‘Highland Hutter’, Pà draig MacCuidhein aig a bheil ceangal do Luinn. Ann an suideachadh aibheiseach an Amharclainn, tha am menu a’ tabhann canapés cantarnaid, langoustine le uachdar-goirt mharaiche, mà irt-fheòil Luinn le leann Àird Ghobhair, sorbet rà mh-dhroigheann mara, mìlsean cairgein agus aon de chèicean ainmeil Liusaidh.
Mary Ann Kennedy and Lucy Cooke head for beautiful Wildluing on Argyll’s Isle of Luing, built by the Cadzow family who bought the island over 75 years ago, and who developed the hardy Luing cattle breed. Along with Wildluing’s Kitty Prentice, they make the final preparations for a foraged feast ahead of their guests’ arrival, including the ‘Highland Hutter’, Peter MacQueen, who has a connection with the island.
In the exquisite surroundings of the observatory, the menu offers chanterelle canapés, langoustine with scurvygrass crème fraiche, Luing beef and Ardgour heather ale stew, seabuckthorn and bog myrtle sorbet, carrageen pudding and one of Lucy’s famous cakes.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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