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Sàr-sgeul na Muice-mara

Episode 10 of 13

Tha muc-mhara bhruideil, gheal ri sàbhaladh – saoil an e am Mòbaidh Dick a th’ innte? There’s a huge, white whale to be saved - could it be Moby Dick?

Nuair tha muc-mhara bhruideil, gheal ri sàbhaladh, tha Na Neachdan den bheachd gur h-e am Mòbaidh Dick a th’ innte. Feumar a dìon mus fhaigh Dànaidh Dalma faisg oirre ge-tà, oir tha e 'son a glacadh is a cur fo bhruid

There’s a huge, white whale to be saved, and the Neachdan believe it could be Moby Dick. They must protect it before Dànaidh Dalma gets close though, as he wants to capture it.

27 days left to watch

21 minutes


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