Suffolk drink drive figures go up
Suffolk Police are disappointed with new drink drive figures. They reveal nearly one in ten motorists stopped in the county over Christmas were over the limit.
New drink drive figures for Suffolk show that nearly 10% of drivers stopped over Christmas failed breathalyser tests. The figure for Christmas 2009 was under 7%. Our reporter Alison Acton has been talking to the head of roads policing in the county.
It is a mixed bag of results in the Suffolk school league tables. While on average results have improved by 3%, several schools feature towards the bottom of the tables. Foz gets more details from Graham Newman, the county councillor responsible for education.
Two wards at the West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds are closed to new admissions. Several patients have been showing signs of norovirus, a disease which causes vomiting and diarrhoea. Foz gets an update from the hospital's executive chief nurse Nicole Day.
In the final hour, Foz talks to Justin Townes Earle - Steve Earle's son.