Unions up in arms over public sector pensions
Public sector pensions are in the spotlight as Lord Hutton proposes a change from a final salary to a career average system.
Jobs in wind energy may not come to Suffolk after all.
Unions say changes to public sector pensions could mean working longer, making more payments and taking home less in retirement. Foz speaks to West Suffolk MP Matthew Hancock who thinks the proposals are worth looking at, but a Suffolk police officer begs to differ.
An offshore energy jobs boom may happen in the North of England instead of the East. Richard Bond has the details.
It's official - West Suffolk Hospital has the country's best performing A&E department, with 99.9% of patients being treated and discharged withing four hours. Foz speaks to chief executive Stephen Graves on the secret of his success.
Bellowhead's Jon Boden talks to Foz about a busy 2011 in the music hour after 6pm.