Episode 7
Rolf follows the story of Max the German Shepherd, who has a bone removed from his mouth. A suspected tropical spider is discovered.
In this episode at Harmsworth Animal Hospital, Rolf follows the story of Max the German Shepherd, who is suffering a jaw bone complaint. Vet Bairbre O'Malley has the honour of removing the offending bone, relieving Max of his discomfort.Then we follow RSPCA Inspector Mark Martin, who collects a barn owl while out on patrol. Mark takes the owl to the Raptor Centre in Chilham Castle, where Eddie Hare, head of the organisation, discusses the owl's future prospects.We also hear about the progress of Bijou the cat and Chaz the rabbit, who have been temporarily housed at the Southridge Animal Centre. Here, the staff introduce us to Carolyn Hodgson, who specialises in adoption and fostering services for cats. An update on the poodle seen in the last episode is also featured. John Bowe delivers the poodle to his new foster home.Also in this edition, animal nurse Karen Floyd discusses her forthcoming job swap with an employee at a Norfolk wildlife hospital. Lastly, we follow the story of ambulance driver Darren Monk, who has discovered an unusual find; a suspected tropical spider. Dave thinks that the spider would be best cared-for at London Zoo.