Painting Berlin style
Charlie is learning German at school. He is keen to improve and practise his German. He links up online with friends in Berlin who are busy painting. One of his friends, Lena, explains that they need to paint a poster to advertise the next show for their band. They are going to paint a portrait of their friend Jacob in the style of Franz Marc, the German expressionist painter. This artist is known for his paintings of yellow cows and blue horses. Jakob is worried especially when he hears Lena is painting his face orange. As the children apply different colours to their painting, they talk about the colours they like and those they dislike – 'Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist Rot'. Things get a little out of hand with a lot of paint ending up on the artists. When the portrait is finished Jakob is horrified at the result. It bears no resemblance to him whatsoever.
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