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23-year-old stroke sufferer on beating her stammer

Vicky Croft, 23, went on a four day course for a Channel 4 documentary to try to cure a stammer that she developed overnight, after having a stroke in 2013, at the age of 22.

The course is called the McGuire programme, which claims to employ techniques used by opera singers and a psychological approach known as 'non-avoidance'. Vicky was reluctant to attend the course at first as she found it difficult to "come to terms with her stammer".

She had also previously suffered from heart failure and said that she "has been pushed to the limits". However, Vicky remains positive and has now started seeing friends and going out again, claiming she has "a new lease of life".

This clip is originally from the Victoria Derbyshire programme on Thursday August 21 2014.

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3 minutes

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