Meet the civilians who'll be trying to survive seven days surrounded by a zombie horde!
Forget the zombies - can Tasha survive her stay in the base without her beloved computer?
Nic is trained in mixed martial arts - will it help him survive the apocalypse?
Will the part-time student and musician manage to come out on top against the zombies?
Born survivor Jonas looks fit to tackle the apocalypse without breaking a sweat!
Can 'totally awesome' Aston lead (or follow) his fellow survivors to safety?
Will 'tough cookie' Megan be able to jive her way out of danger in the apocalypse?
Will the zombies make Leah come to regret her 'bite me' tattoo?
Will granny Jackie's SAS survival skills come in use during the apocalypse?
Can Sara really find time to 'enjoy herself' during the apocalypse?
Can Luke's smile really warm the hearts of those flesh-eating zombies?
He's got a lot of love to give - but will Thom be giving it to the zombies?
How will ladies' man Kavon fare without his hair products in the apocalypse?
Will Amena's fitness regime help her escape a grisly fate?