Kazuo Ishiguro: 'It's a story about the long slog of love'
Rebecca Jones went to meet novelist Kazuo Ishiguro to discuss his first novel in ten years, The Buried Giant.
The story tells of an elderly couple who set out on a journey to find their lost son in a semi-mythical post-Roman Britain.
Ishiguro dismissed the suggestion the book is a purely fantasy novel.
"It sounds like I'm dealing with out and out fantasy, this is more like a love story, it's about the long slog of love," he said.
He added that the story was born out of a question that he had been asking himself for some time.
"When is it good for a nation or community to go back and face the really dark things that have been buried in their collective memories and when is it better to just leave these memories buried so you can avoid further cycles of violence," he added.
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