The Scott Mills Weekly Episodes Available now

Just A Little Prick But A Great Moment
Sound the alarms and blow your trumpets! Dan from Norfolk has had his vaccine.

Get Smart With Stark
Learning from home? Have no fear, Chris is here.

Sausage Sneakers Beware!!
The Vegan Whisperer is back!

The First Ever - Sister or Kissed Her
Brother Or Lover takes a strange twist and Fay and Lydia are the first contestants.

Petrol Station Presents
Scott & Chris have got each other gifts from their respective tier 4 petrol stations

Granny Tinder Christmas Special!
A Grandma reviews her granddaughter's Tinder matches

Ding Dong Merrily on errr.....
The boys create their own Dial-a-Carol service but it turns out no one knows the words!

A Letter To… Sam
Sam Fender joins us with a letter to his 10 year old self.

Wrap Myself In Paper Day
It’s finally here – the day where Scott and Chris play their favourite Christmas song.

Granny Tee & Cheddar Gee
Who is Cheddar Gorgeous? Find out in the Don’t Look It Up quiz.