The Scott Mills Weekly Episodes Available now

The Lower You Go, The Lower You Go
Is it true that the deeper your voice is the more likely you are to cheat?

Confessions From The Office Party
Scott & Chris join the help team at Cardiff Council’s virtual Christmas party.

A Letter To… Fleur
Nurse Fleur writes a lovely letter to her 10-year-old self.

A Letter To…Faith
Faith delivers a beautiful letter to her 10 year old self.

A Letter To…Rosie
Listener Rosie has written a very emotional letter to her 10 year old self.

Liam Payne – Letter to my 10-year-old self
Liam Payne writes a heartfelt letter to his younger self.

Big Willy's Back!
Will is back for the quiz and Granny Tinder is still searching for a beau for Zofia.

Whooovent Calendar Is Back!
Trumpets are blown for Vicky who resisted licking her Ripple!

Famalam Or Wham-Bam Thankyou Ma’am?
Scott has devised a new game called Brother or Lover.

A Nation In Tiers
Lemon & Herb or full on Hot ‘N Spicy? What tier is your area in?