Great Comp Food Festival, hop picking in Deal and cut flower farming... PLUS your questions for Steve
Phil Harrison and Steve Bradley are on hand to answer your gardening questions - 0800 756 11 11. You can email on: radio.kent.gardening@bbc.co.uk
Sunday Gardening Events
Whitfield Gardeners' Society have a talk on the 'Cheesemakers of Canterbury' by
George Ward in the Whitfield Village Hall at 7.30pm
Margate Flower Club hold a demonstration by Iris Shaw on Life In France and there's a raffle where you can win the demonstration items. It all takes place at 7.30 at St Philips Church, Somerfield Road, Herne Bay.
Island Floral Group welcome demonstrator Sue Oates to St Peters Church Hall for their first meeting of the Autumn starting at 2.30pm. They look forward to seeing all of their members with lovely suntans, and to welcome any visitors who would love to view beautiful flower arrangements and, perhaps, win one in the raffle.
Strood Gardening Club meet at 7.30pm at St Nicholas Church (Lower Hall), High Street, Strood. The topic is to be "Penshurst Place Garden" and the speaker is Tony Wiseman - Head Gardener.
Non members are welcome to come along at a charge of 拢3 - which includes tea and biscuits!
Hadlow Flower Club have a demo called Where To Now by Linda Clatworthy at Hadlow Old School Hall from 7.30.
Sevenoaks Flower Club have National Demonstrator Nick Grounds talking on The Materialist at 1.45pm at Otford Village Memorial Hall. There's a raffle of flower arrangements, sale tables and refreshments. Visitors are 拢5.
Nonington Gardening Club commence it's Autumn term after the summer break with a talk about National Plan Collections by Head Gardener at Canterbury Cathedral Philip Oostenbrink - he holds the National Plant Collection of Hakonechloa macra and cvs and is also NPC Coordinator for the Kent branch of Plant Heritage so it should make for a very enjoyable and informative evening.
Members will also be reminded to think about planting spring bulbs in preparation for the Spring Show at the end of March next year.
The Club meets in Nonington Village Hall at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month. Guests, Visitors and prospective new members will always be made most welcome.
Hartley Horticultural Society meets this month at 8pm for their Autumn Show. Come and see the flowers and vegetables that our members have grown. The venue is Fawkham and Hartley Church Centre, Ash Road, Hartley. Visitors are welcome and refreshments are available.
Thursday 13th September
Tunbridge Wells Flower Club has a demonstration by Sophie Beaney. This event takes place at Frant
Memorial Hall and starts at 2.30. Visitors welcome. Any further information - please ring Janet Moxon on 07941 183887.
Chalk Village Gardeners Club hold their Annual Show at 2.30. Head along to Chalk Parish Hall for the best blooms.
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- Sun 9 Sep 2018 08:00大象传媒 Radio Kent