The Goon Show Series 7 Episodes Episode guide
The Histories of Pliny the Elder
25/21 The Romans hit Britain, but Seagoon, Eccles and Bluebottle are off to Rome's Colosseum.
Ill Met by Goonlight
23/21 Neddie Seagoon is sent to capture the German general who commands the island of Crete.
Insurance: The White Man's Burden
21/21 Neddie Seagoon tries to set fire to the English Channel to claim the insurance.
The Mysterious Punch-up-the Conker
19/21 Milligan, Sellers and Secombe's thrilling pursuit of a mysterious nose assailant.
Shifting Sands
17/21 Soldier Neddie Seagoon heads off to the fort at Waziri, which is drifting into peril.
The Rent Collectors
16/21 Neddie Seagoon is sent to claim back thousands in arrears, but he falls in the water.
Wings Over Dagenham
15/21 Move aside Orville and Wilbur, Neddie is the pioneer aviator.
Emperor of the Universe
14/21 Bulldog Neddie investigates why 25 million Englishmen have vanished.
Six Charlies in Search of an Author
13/21 Through pages and chapters, the fate of Neddie Seagoon is in the hands of the writer.
The Flea
12/21 Neddie Seagoon is Samuel Pepys and he is having trouble with a flea called Francoise.
The Telephone
11/21 GPO engineer Neddie is sent to Africa to install a phone for Henry Crun.
What's My Line?
10/21 Can anyone guess the unusual professions in a special edition of the 1950s TV quiz?
The Mystery of the Fake Neddie Seagoons
9/21 With the revelation that Neddie was once mass-produced, can the original be found?
Personal Narrative
8/21 It鈥檚 1662. Neddie commands HMS Resolute as the Dutch fleet attacks.
Lurgi Strikes Britain
7/21 Doctor Seagoon is dispatched to tackle a curious contagious epidemic disease.
The Great Bank Robbery
7/21 All set for the Long Distance Bass Drum Race, Neddie Seagoon is duped into villainy.
The Sleeping Prince
6/21 When Neddie Seagoon is made president of Yakabakoo, he tries to quell a revolution.
The Spectre of Tintagel
5/21 Neddie reveals his Arthurian roots and goes in search of treasure in deepest Cornwall.
The Macreekie Rising of '74
4/21 Neddie Seagoon has a 60-foot caber hidden under his kilt, but the Scots want it back.
The Nadger Plague
3/21 Neddie Seagoon turns to witchcraft to thwart Grytpype-Thynne and Moriarty.
Drums Along the Mersey
2/21 A newspaper claims Neddie Seagoon is set to inherit a million pounds.
The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis
1/21 Admiral Seagoon is dispatched as bandits attack the British garrison.