Monster Loving Maniacs Series 1 Episodes Available now

A Christmas Miracle
51/51 Three intergalactic Christmas demons known as the Three Wise Men drop by.

50/51 Ernest is excited, and Edith and Bo want to stay in.

The Dark Lord Cometh - Part 2
49/51 The heroes desperately try to avoid a confrontation with the invincible Dracula.

Jill Gets a House
32/51 The kids try to help a clueless swamp creature fit in.

Next Level Interdimensional Stuff
33/51 Ernest and Ishaani take another trip inside the mirror.

Ghost Riders
34/51 Arthur believes real monsters are at play at Gruselbrook Funpark's ghost ride attraction.

Into the Wild
35/51 The kids embark on a monster photo safari.

Prankula Strikes Back
36/51 Dracula is determined to draw Edith into another prank war.

The Mummy
37/51 In a quest for unimaginable pampering, Phil joins forces with an ancient mummy.

The Mirror of Souls - Part I
38/51 Dracula is back with a special mission for the kids.