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The Flipside with Paris Lees Series 2 Episodes Available now

8. Fangirling All the Way
Can our obsessions go too far?

7. Ghosted by a Friend
How do you break up with a friend?

6. Green-eyed Monster
What happens to us when we feel envy?

Welcome back to The Flipside with Paris Lees
Paris uses stories of human nature and science to understand why we are the way we are.

5. Procrastination Station
We all procrastinate, but are all distractions bad?

4. Moving Out, Moving On
How does moving location impact our sense of self?

3. The Art of Persuasion
How can you make someone change their mind?

2. Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
What are the real consequences of lying?

1. Switching Off
We all need to switch off sometimes, but should we?