A review of the week's news in Cornish.
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An Nowodhow - Read along with the news in Kernewek

PRESENTER:Â Â James Churchfield
You may remember that in 2021 Carbis Bay near St Ives hosted the G7 summit. The Carbis Bay Hotel which hosted the event caused controversy by building some additional meeting rooms for the summit without planning permission. Cornwall Council issued an enforcement notice to have them taken down. However, the hotel is now applying to keep some parts of the buildings saying that removing them will cause a hazard.
The Cornish is read this week by Duncan McIntosh.
Meur ras, ha myttin da dhywgh hwi oll.
An ostel hag a ostyas hembrenkysi an bys dres an pennkuntelles G7, a vynn gwitha rannow a dhrehevyans anlaghel hag a veu drehevys rag an hwarvedhyans.
Ostel Carbis Bay a leveris bos an stevellow kuntelles rekwirys rag an hwarvedhyans yn mis Metheven dew vil onan warn ugens [2021]. An ostel a besyas ha’ga drehevel, mes heb kavos kyns kummyas-towlenna ragdha.
Yth esa protestyansow pan dhrehevis perghennek an ostel an drehevyansow heb kummyas a-rag dhe’n treth yn Porthreptor, kyns dalleth an pennkuntelles.
Yn mysk an hembrenkysi owth attendya an pennkuntelles, yth esa Lewydh Statys Unys, Joe Biden, Emmanual Macron a Bow Frynk, hag Angela Merkel a Almayn – keffrys ha’n pennvenyster Ruvaneth Unys a’n eur na, Boris Johnson.
Konsel Kernow a dhellos kyns avisyans konstrinans, an pyth a erghis an ostel removya an drehevyansow ha treylya an tyller dh’y furv derowel.
An Ostel Carbis Bay, yn Porthreptor ogas ha
Porthia, re ombrofyas   may hwittho nebes
elvennow a’n drehevyans.
Dell arg an ostel, dilea an stokys kestevyn ha’n fondyansow a allsa ledya dhe argol a dirslynk, ha bos peryllus rag an re usi ow tevnydhya treth Porthreptor ha’n hyns arvor Soth West.
Ervirans a vydh gwrys po gans asran towlennans Konsel Kernow, po gans kessedhek yn dedhyas a dheu.
Thank you, and good morning to you all.
The hotel that hosted world leaders for the G7 summit wants to keep parts of an illegal construction built for the event.
The Carbis Bay Hotel said the meeting rooms were required for the event in June 2021. The hotel went ahead and built them, without first getting planning permission for them.
There were protests when the hotel’s owner built the unauthorised buildings  in front of the beach at Carbis Bay in time for the summit.
Among the leaders attending the summit were US President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Angela Merkel – as well as the UK prime-minister at the time, Boris Johnson.
Cornwall Council previously issued an enforcement notice, which ordered the hotel to remove the buildings and return the site to its original form.
The Carbis Bay Hotel, near St Ives, has now applied to retain some elements of the construction.
The hotel argues that to remove concrete slabs and foundations could lead to the risk of a landslide and be hazardous to people using Carbis Bay beach and the South West Coastal Path.
A decision will be made either by Cornwall Council’s planning department or by committee on a future date.
PRESENTER James Churchfield:Â
Next we hear about plans to build a new more accesible entrance for Truro Cathedral. The current entrance was built in the 1980s and is now in need of updating. A fundraising scheme is being launched to raise more than £200,000 needed for the project.
You can hear the Cornish for ‘Truro Cathedral’ in the first sentence. Something else to listen out for – the word for ‘door’ is daras – see if you can pick the phrase ‘new sliding door’.
Entrans nowydh, towlys rag Penneglos Truru, a vydh moy es dew kans mil beuns y gost, herwydh hembrenkysi an ragdres.
An ragdres, may fydh daras-slynkya nowydh komprehendys ynno, a arlehasa entrans hedhadow orth tenewen an drehevyans, dell leveris seveller a arghasans Judith Field hy hanow.
An entrans a-lemmyn yw rann a ystynnans drehevys yn bledhynnyow peswar ugens, hag yma dhodho edhom meur a ughradha herwydh Ms Field.
Y fydh lonchys towlen arghasa, dhe sevel dew kans mil beuns rag ledryn hedhas, daras-slynkya hag ewnansow dhe’n drehevyans dhe alowa an ober.
Y keworras hi bos grontys kummyas-towlenna seulabrys, hag yma ow pesya oberyow erel orth an benneglos – y’ga mysk ober orth kasel Sen Maria, hag yw gwaytys dhe dhasygeri yn mis Ebrel hevlena.
A new entrance planned for Truro Cathedral will cost more than £200,000, according to leaders of the project.
The scheme, which includes a new sliding door, would replace an existing accessible entrance at the side of the building, said fundraiser Judith Field.
The current entrance is currently part of an extension built in the 80s. Ms Field says is now in desperate need of an upgrade.
A fundraising scheme would be launched, she said, to raise the £200,000 bill for an access ramp, sliding door and changes to the building to facilitate the work.
She added that planning permission had already been granted, and other work on the Cathedral continues, including work to St Mary’s aisle – which is expected to reopen in April this year.
PRESENTER James Churchfield:
So, ‘new sliding door’ is daras-slynkya nowydh – the word order is the other way round in Cornish, so literally that’s ‘door-sliding new’.
So on to our final story. If you had a real Christmas tree this year, you may be wondering what to do with it. Well, a dairy farm near Liskeard, is asking for them – surprisingly, as something different on the menu for their goats.
A couple of words to listen out for – ‘Liskeard’ is mentioned in the first sentence. You can hear ‘gaver’ – goat, but also the plural – ‘gever’ – goats. Here’s Duncan with the story.
Leti ogas ha Lyskerrys re bysis tus a argevri aga gwedhennow Nadelik gwir rag ma’s deppro aga gever.
Perghennek Leti Polmarkyn, Glyn Thomas y hanow, a leveris bos an gwydhennow neppyth ken a’ga rewl voos gwav a wora, betys rudh, karetys ha kowligow.
Mester Thomas – neb a henow y ever oll - a leveris bos an gwydhennow temmik sawrek rag an hwegh ugens gaver a’n bargen tir.
Kespar Mester Thomas, Katie Wood hy hanow, a dhisplegyas bos an gwydhennow neppyth aral y’ga rewl boos pan nag esons yn-mes ow tybri an gwyls.
Dell geworras hi, y lommhons an rusk oll, an naswedhow oll, ha pan yns gorfennys, nyns eus meur gesys a-der an stock.
Mester Thomas a leveris bos govenek dhe’n amethva keus gaver degemeres dew kans gwydhen argevres an vledhen ma.
Henn yw oll dhyworthiv vy – seythen splann genowgh.
A Cornish dairy farm near Liskeard has asked people to donate their real Christmas trees so its goats can eat them.
Polmarkyn Dairy owner Glyn Thomas said the trees were in addition to their usual winter diet of hay, beetroot, carrots and sprouts.
Mr Thomas - who names all of his goats - said the trees make a tasty treat for farm's herd of about 120 goats.
Mr Thomas's partner Katie Wood explained that the trees are something else in their diet when they’re not outside eating the grass.
She added that they strip all the bark off, all the needles, and when they’re done there’s not much left bar the stump.
Mr Thomas said the goat cheese farm, was aiming to receive 200 donated trees this year.
That’s all from me, have a great week.
Thank you Duncan. This week’s An Nowodhow was written and read by Duncan
McIntosh and the script editor was Wella Morris. And you can hear the programme
again online via ´óÏó´«Ã½ Sounds.
- Sun 14 Jan 2024 13:55´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Cornwall