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Dai 'Sgaffalde' Ashurst
Actor: Emyr Wyn
Un o ddirgelion mawr bywyd Dai ydi pam fod pawb arall mor dwp ac yntau mor berffaith?!
Ni aiff wythnos heibio yng Nghwmderi heb i Dai ffraeo gyda rhywun, a gan amla' Diane ei wraig yw honno! Ond drwy gicio a brathu mae cariad yn magu, ac mae ei briodas Diane mor gadarn a chraig yr oesoedd.
One of the mysteries of Dai鈥檚 life is why are other people so stupid whilst he鈥檚 so perfect?!
A week can鈥檛 go by without Dai arguing with someone, and usually it鈥檚 his long suffering wife, Diane! But they love each other really and their relationship is as solid as the rock of ages.