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Lenny Lyons

Played by Steven Miller

Fact title Fact data
Series 24, Episode 1 "Dawn of the ED: Part 1"
Final Appearance:
Series 26, Episode 38 "All in a Day's Nightmare: Part 2"
CT2 Doctor

Lenny was a brash young doctor at the start of his career. Lenny grew up in a care home and only had sketchy memories of his junky mother, but he schemed and studied his way to becoming a doctor. Lenny was considered old for an F1 Doctor since he only started training in his 20s.

When he first started in the ED Lenny’s attitude was somewhat immature and he preferred to focus on the blood, gore and exciting procedures rather than on the patients as individuals. As time went on Lenny realised that he did genuinely care for people and wanted to be the best ED doctor around.

Lenny loved to talk, but had a tendency to be inappropriate as he rarely engaged his brain before opening his mouth.Lenny formed an unrequited romantic attachment to Mads and also developed a close friendship with Linda, helping her to care for her niece and nephew.

When a young boy died in the ED in suspicious circumstances, Lenny helped to unravel the cause of death and rediscovered an interest in forensic medicine. Much to the disappointment of Jordan, Linda and the team, he decided to leave the ED and retrain as a forensic pathologist.

Lenny Facts

  • Lenny loved the adrenaline of resus.
  • He reconnected with his long- lost sister who was suffering from a bone marrow disorder. He offered to be a donor for her and was devastated when he realised he wasn’t a match
  • Lenny accepted a bribe to keep quiet about an illicit drugs trial in order to secure a prestigious scholarship. However, he eventually decided to do the right thing and come clean about the trial, even though it meant that he and fellow F2 Yuki missed out on the scholarship.