Chris Corcoran
Chris, better known as Korkey, is best known to Radio Wales listeners as Rhod Gilbert's co-host on Saturday mornings. He's also a writer and performer on comedy shows such as Social Club FM and Come The Revolution.
"I love it" he says, "I can't believe I get paid for talking rubbish every Saturday with one of the funniest people in the country who also happens to be my mate.... One of my favourite moments from the three years plus we've done so far would have to be when we were sat on an isolated roundabout in Nantes during the Rugby World Cup to "soak up the pre-match atmosphere". It didn't take long - a few people walked past with baguettes, we had a coffee, that was about it".
Funniest moment so far? "That would have to be when Rhod and I were talking about a mouse in the house and I ended up role-playing a mouse in a restaurant ordering Penne Arrabiata, with Rhod as the waiter. It's the most I've laughed on air."
Chris, along with fellow stand-up comic (and star of TV's The Inbetweeners and We Are Klang) Greg Davies (who happens to be another friend), is the writer / performer of the Radio Wales sit-com Those That Can't. "We were really chuffed with the last series and the kids were brilliant" Chris says.
Greg and Chris auditioned pupils from comprehensive schools in Rhondda Cynon-Taf for the roles of the pupils who attend the school where the sit-com is set (Tom Jones Comprehensive).
The casting process was a little unusual, in that Chris and Greg were looking for "authentic accents rather than brilliant performers, although in some cases we ended up with both." Chris explained the task that finding the voice of his main character Bryn Williams was straightforward - "I have one generic rugby club committee-bloke type voice and I use it for everything."
Viewers in Wales might also have seen Chris on 大象传媒 One Wales in 2010 when he presented his own light-hearted take of The Ryder Cup, in Easy Ryder: Chris Corcoran's Guide to the Ryder Cup.
"Doing the TV show was a great laugh. We ended up going to America where I spectacularly failed to interview Tiger Woods and showed pictures of Derek Brockway to New Yorkers. They thought he was my Dad."
A busy stand-up comedian Chris took to the roads and theatres of Wales in 2010 for an extensive tour, which he would later take to the Edinburgh Fringe. Chris also regularly performs Committee Meeting comedy variety shows across South Wales with his friend and fellow stand-up Elis James. The fictional club's caretaker is the infamous Rex Jones, well known to long-time listeners of the Rhod Gilbert radio show as Rex the janitor, who listeners will recall is - as Chris puts it - "an hilarious post-Marxist, health and safety obsessed old man." You can hear a version of the Commitee Meeting show and its characters - including Rex and the Chairman - in the 大象传媒 Radio Wales comedy series