Linda NicLe貌id
Fiosrachadh mun t猫 as 霉ire air sgioba Air an Rathad
Dè a’ chiad chàr a bh' agad?
Volkswagen Polo
Cia mheud turas a rinn thu an deuchainn dràibhidh agad?
Aon turas.
Dè an rud as fheàrr a rinn thu air Air an Rathad gu ruige seo?
A bhith an sàs ann an Targa Rally agus a bhith a’ dràibheadh Rolls Royce timcheall Uibhist a Tuath.
Nam b' urrainn dhut càr sam bith anns an t-saoghal a cheannach, dè bhiodh ann?
Nam biodh an t-airgead agam, bhithinn gu math toilichte Rolls Royce neo Bentley a cheannach - càraichean gu math leòmach, ach luath cuideachd.
Dè an èideadh as miosa a bh' agad ri chur ort airson na Rèisean Craicte?
Hmm, an stais Fhrangach - bha e goirt ga thoirt dhìom!
Linda MacLeod
What was your first car?
A Volkswagen Polo.
How many times did you sit your driving test?
What is the best thing you’ve done on Air an Rathad so far?
Taking part in a Targa Rally and driving a Rolls Royce around North Uist.
If you could buy any car in the world, what would it be?
If I had the money, I’d love to by a Rolls Royce or a Bentley - cars that are luxurious, but also fast.
What’s your worst Wacky Races costume?
Hmm, the French moustache - it hurt to take it off!