James and Barnaby
They are the young energetic duo that the Coalition have been looking for
James Twottington-Burbage
Party: Conservative
Tory boy 2.0 James is bold, brash and blue to the bone. Describing himself as "old new money" his father made piles of dosh in the 80s thanks to (his idol) Margaret Thatcher's privatisation programme. His father minted their own family crest (a vulture circling an injured lamb) that all the men in the family wear on their signet rings.
James is in his element when mingling (and trying to impress) the political classes: thanking Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, applauding Mayor of London Boris Johnson, advising Education Secretary Michael Gove, and tormenting Labour Leader Ed Miliband.
Barnaby Plankton
Party: The Yellow One
Cut him and he bleeds yellow. He鈥檚 convinced that Lib Dem policies like proportional representation and reform of the House of Lords will turn Britain into an economic powerhouse to rival China. He finds working with loudmouth James quite trying, often needing to chillax with a strong Camomile tea and a rice cake after the latest humiliation.
Technically still a virgin he admires James' confidence with women and hopes that their partnership may help him finally meet a nice, politically conscious partner.