Billy Lamb
The senior clerk at chambers, he is the man that holds the place together.
He clerks Martha's and Clive's lives, both professionally and personally and he always makes sure he knows everything. However he is also a Dickensian man, set in his ways and convinced that only his way can work.
Not without charm, he is a ducker and a diver and absolutely loyal to Martha. Faced with a new Practice Manager brought in after the events of series 2, Billy is finding it hard to retain the tradition and history of the old ways he so dearly believes in. Can he adapt? And in a battle of old versus new, can he win?
Still battling cancer, Billy is finding it hard to hide his condition from those around him. With treatment affecting his hormones Billy is forced to look to the future. When your life is danger, how do you choose to live what time you may have left? And what will become of Shoe Lane without Billy at its helm?
Neil Stuke
Neil has appeared in many television productions including Game On, Between the Lines, Trust, Reggie Perrin, Monday Monday, Office Gossip, and .
He has also appeared on stage at the Menier Chocolate Factory in Rookery Nook as well as Boeing Boeing with Jennifer Ellison in the West End.
