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Mary Whyte

Played by Pauline McLynn

65. She's never happier when up to her eyes in household chores - and never lets her husband Pat in their kitchen unsupervised. In her late teens she used to be very good at ballroom dancing and there was a time when she could have turned professional. Then she met Pat who charmed her and asked her to marry him. Within months she fell pregnant with Tom and the dancing stopped – it turned out that Pat didn’t like dancing much at all.

Although it took her a while to imagine that another woman could replace her in Tom’s life she has come to accept Elaine and she loves her grandchildren. She initially couldn't understand Tom’s decision to become a stay-at-home-Dad and she has a dig now and again – still, it’s meant she can get more involved in Tom’s life than ever before.

Questions to Mary

Q: What’s the most important lesson that life has taught you?

A: It never really gets better, so relax and enjoy

Q: Does Pat do romantic things for you?

A: He held my ice cream once while I put my coat on.

Q: What do you most like about Pat?

A: That he leaves the house.