Anders, Stine, Anders, Rasmus, Anders and Troels talk about the warm reception they get in gay clubs and gigs in Scotland and how they would love the audience to join them on stage!
The band explain that they're not always as happy as they sound in their songs and how Rasmus and Stine have the best strop in the band. One of the Anders is the moodiest though!
The band congratulate Jo on her pregnancy and joke about her calling her baby Anders, as there aren't enough in the world already!
Alphabeat talk about their level of fame in their native Denmark and the band list their favourite artists including Take That, Madonna and David Bowie.
We also find out they were offered the chance to support The Spice Girls but they don't regret declining it.
Alphabeat peform 10,000 Nights and a cover of Sam Sparro's Black And Gold.
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