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Listeners' Fantasies |
 Brenda's room
by Vicarshusband
What might be the effect of the Tuckers' conflict over Willow Farm? This contribution to the Fantasy Archers topic of suggests one outcome..
The sleek black Mercedes drew to a halt. The chauffeur got out and went round the car to open the door and help out a woman in an expensively tailored suit. She was talking on her mobile, and did not stop as the chauffeur retrieved her briefcase and closed the car door.
"OK, no problemo" she said. "It'll be done right away. I just have to complete the inspection first, then I'll make the announcement".
Brenda Tucker, Chief Public Relations Officer of MattCo PLC, raised her sunglasses and surveyed the house. It was a sorry sight. Tiles had slipped from the roof and there was grass growing in the gutters. The garden was overgrown, and an old, upended pram rested on what had been the lawn.
"If you would, please, Archer" she said, and Tom ran ahead to knock on the door. After some delay, it creaked open and a sallow face appeared.
"How are things then?"
"Not so good, really... you heard the hotel went bust?"
"Yes. Bound to happen sooner or later. We looked at a buyout but... just not viable, really. Not as a standalone place. New owners didn't keep you on then?"
"No. They said I had no qualifications. I get by... help out a bit at Jaxx Caff on the Borchester by-pass... Emma Grundy's been very good to me since she took over the chain..."
"Fine". Brenda sniffed. "Well, you know what I'm here for. Best get it done". She stepped inside. There were patches of mould on the walls, and the carpets were worn. Roy had clearly been eating his breakfast, for the stale end of a loaf rested on the kitchen table among mismatched china and battered cutlery. Holding her breath slightly, she climbed the stairs, turned right along the landing and examined the seals on the bedroom door carefully. No apparent disturbance. Brenda took the padlock key out of the briefcase - proffered by the obsequious Archer: their relationship had changed after MattCo bought Tom out when Home Farm was sold up following the divorce - and opened the door. She stepped inside, closed her eyes, and breathed in. Yes, all as it should be. All safe, all untouched...
She opened her eyes. HE had stepped into the room.
"Brenda, what you said before... actually things are quite tough. I've had an offer, but I need to raise some cash - I know Dad left you the room, and I can't sell unless you agree but..."
"No! It's mine! My room, like it was when Mum died - you've got the house, what do I have? you just want it all, don't you? Oh Roy, how could you? Look at me - you've got the whole house, what have I got in Ambridge? Yes, I know there's Grange Spinney, and Brookfield, and The Bull, but those are businesses, Roy. you've got" - she waved an arm - "all this. And how DARE you set foot in my room. Get out, Roy! Out now!"
Retreating before the force of her fury, Roy retreated to the kitchen while Archer helped Brenda, weeping now at the ingratitude of her brother, down the stairs and out of the house.
As she climbed into the car again, she paused, and looked across the fields. There, on what had been Home Farm land, were the polytunnels, and she could see the distant figures of her workers. Who dared say she had no heart? There she could see Hayley - earning good money - weeding the organic strawberry crop, and further away, some of Tom's cousins - David and Ruth and Pip - good work for all of them, and a caravan to live in, following the collapse of Brookfield. Yes, they should be grateful to her, Brenda Tucker. A shame it wouldn't last...
Brenda took out her mobile and speed dialled the MattCo press office.
"OK" she said. "You can put out the press release now."
The new Birmingham relief road had long been needed, but there had been fierce resistance from the green lobby, which had been surprised to find support from local landowner MattCo. However, after high level negotiations with the Department of Transport, that was about to change. A concession had been made. While the rest of Ambridge would be Tarmac'd over, the ten lane highway would divide, saving one house - or rather, one room - from destruction....
Archers fantasies
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