Household Goods
by Vicky S
"... He breathed deeply until his heart stopped pounding ..."
After Hours at Lower Loxley
by Vicarshusband
"... Nobody is irreplaceable. We should easily find someone ..."
Brenda's room
by Vicarshusband
"... how DARE you set foot in my room. Get out, Roy! ..."
Driving Lessons
by Vicarshusband
"... she reflected on how things were turning out. So Will wasn't quite what she'd expected ..."
Just Visiting
by Vicky S
"It was important to teach them right from wrong ..."
It's Quarter to Three
by Piers Plowman
"I'm still attractive, aren't I. You find me attractive, don't you ..."
The Verdict
by Vicarshusband
An unsettling tale inspired by Taylor's rape trial
Chreesmas ees comeeng ...
by DebZ
"... Good Grief! Chreesmas cards alreadee! ..."
It's Quarter to Three
by Piers Plowman
"I'm still attractive, aren't I. You find me attractive, don't you ..."
The Verdict
by Vicarshusband
An unsettling tale inspired by Taylor's rape trial
Chreesmas ees comeeng ...
by DebZ
"... Good Grief! Chreesmas cards alreadee! ..."
Eensuld an' eenjury
by DebZ
""He say," Wolfgang paused, apparently un-llama'd, "He say Leenda look like me!"
Siobhan's Revenge
by loveinamist
"Brian, dry eyed until now, had tears running down his face... "
From Ambridge to Limerick - Part Two
by various
"Now David has found a new lassie
Who he thinks is really quite sassy
The love of his life
Is no longer his wife
But a Massey with '64 chassis ... "
From Ambridge to Limerick - Part Four
by various
"That Nigel's become a wine-swigger
It's fired him with new vim and vigour
When not even drunk
He's taken a chunk
From his mansion - so lock up your digger ... "
Lily's News
by Vicky S
"me and Freddie stayed at home mummy said for god's sake don't those teachers get enough time off ... "
From Ambridge to Eternity
by inguanoveritas
"... he imagined the infinite generations of nameless ancestors who had surveyed the same scene from the same place ..."
Brian's alternative view
By lantana2
"I remember how she was when she found out about you and me four years ago. How can I ever ask her to raise your child ..."
Eensuld an' eenjury
by DebZ
""He say," Wolfgang paused, apparently un-llama'd, "He say Leenda look like me!"
Bess birthday efer
by DebZ
"Thad's right - you go haf rummage through Leenda's drawers!" sniggered Constanza ..."
The Legacy
by Vicky S
"... o"To Will," Will read , "From Aunty Hilda with love. Will, PLEASE open and read this letter." He started to open the envelope but a gasp from Nic stopped him. ..."
Sophie's Choices
by Vicky S
"... old people always enjoyed talking about traffic. Would traffic be better under current conversation though? A tricky one. She put a question mark next to traffic ..."
The Tragedy of King Brian
by Piers Plowman
"King Brian the Old, a great has-been,
Dozed peacefully beside his lady queen,
Whose children bickered o'er who'd come to own,
The kingdom, once Brian toppled from the throne."
The Ambridge Alternative by Mandy Lifeboats "Come
in" said Clive.
"I've made a cup of tea for you and I cleaned up while I was waiting."
Mousie's Tale
By Vicky S
"Mousie didn't like thinking about Daddie. Daddie always held him too hard ..."
by Anglo-Norman "Not another reactor!" he cried. "... I tell you, Alistair, I've had it up to here with these blasted nuclear cows!"
Freda's Story by Misty Pond "...He
wouldn't have suffered, she mused, sipping her tea, after the number of diazepam she'd dissolved into his cocoa ..."
Nigel's Notebook by Deborah Z
This enjoyable fantasy starts in a rather Wodehousian mode but ends in a territory altogether more mythical ...
The Changeling
by Aileen
"Emma had to know for sure. She had been lying awake trying to remember the baby's face ..."
TB or not TB...
by Cate O'Gorighal
"He pictured his brother-in-law donning the white overalls and loading his culling rifle ..."
Emma in Wonderland
by Ivana Goodtime
"he could barely tear his eyes away from her clinging white blouse, tourniquet-tight skirt and ..."
Ross's Blog
by typewright
"... Well, all I can say is, Ooh, vicar, don't get your knickers in a twist. ..."
The End of an Era
by inguanoveritas
"... the people of Ambridge left the churchyard to the gravediggers and the rooks ..."
Ged me to thee temple on time
by DebZ
"... I glad you feel thees way," he said, "Deed I mencÃon I converdeeng to Buddhism? ..."
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