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Listeners' Fantasies |
 When We Were Very Small
by VickyS
VickyS looks forward six years in the eventful life of George Grundy, in this extract from the Fantasy Archers topic of The Archers message board.
Clarrie felt George's forehead with the back of her hand. Still feverish. His small face was flushed in sleep and his dark curly hair damp and tousled. She smoothed it back from his face and he stirred. His eyes opened.
"Hello poppet, how are you feeling?"
"My head hurts, and my tummy hurts. Where's my mummy? I want my mummy."
Clarrie smiled at the small sick child and thought her heart would break. "Mummy's not here," she said "just me and you today Georgie."
George tried to sit up on the sofa, but his poorly body didn't have the strength. Clarrie tucked the quilt around him firmly, picked Little Ted up from the floor and popped him on the pillow beside George.
"Do you want to watch a DVD?" she asked, "shall I find Thomas? Or would you like a story?"
"A story!" for a moment George's eyes lit up. Just like Joe, thought Clarrie fondly, always ready for a good story. "A real story," said George, "not a book story, tell me a story about me, of when I was little. When I was a baby."
For a moment Clarrie was transported back six years. What could she tell him?
She thought of the folder of newspaper clippings she kept in the shed. Eddie refused to have them in the house. The headlines were as clear in her mind as the day she had first read them, and all the following days, when they were all she had to hold on to.
Concern Grows for Missing Ambridge Child
Brotherly Love Scandal Rocks Village
Baby George's Dad Appeals for his Safe Return
Come Home Emma, begs Distraught Mother
Search Widens for Missing Child
A Plea to Sun Readers: Find My Baby
Baby George found in France
Defiant Emma Claims DNA Mixup
Ed Grundy's Criminal Past Revealed
High Court Orders George's Return
Exclusive. A Mother's Pain. Susan Carter Talks to OK!
I Gave Her Everything: Will's Story
French Authorities Defy George Order
Brussels Judgement in Baby X Case Expected Today
Em and Ed On The Run Again?
Hungary Link to Missing Baby
Interpol Asked To Intercede in Baby X case
Baby Siege Enters Fourth Day
Violent End to Baby George Siege
Forensic Results Shock - Police Bullets not Cause of Death
Emma On Death Charge
Emma: Extradition Approved
Weeping Emma Changes Plea: He Wanted To Give Up
Emma Trial Judgement Expected Today
Will and George, Our New Life. Exclusive Hello! Photographs!
Clarrie was brought back to reality with a jolt.
"My story," prompted George.
Clarrie heard a key in the lock.
"Only me!"
George sat up. "Mummee!"
Fallon came in, shaking the rain from her hair. "Hello Tiger. How's my boy then." She bent down and gave him a hug. "Thanks for baby-sitting Clarrie, there's no way I could have taken him out in this , not with his chesty cough. I hope he's been good."
"Good as gold, bless him, hardly coughed at all, ate all his dinner and had a good sleep afterwards." said Clarrie. "William rang by the way, said he'd be a bit late so I only put the rabbit pie in for you about ten minutes ago. Potatoes are all peeled. We were just about to have a story, why don't you put the kettle on while I tell George the story of when Little Ted got dropped in the pond."
Archers fantasies
the message board
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