Being in the altogether has often provoked outrage, offence, laughter, lust and sometimes shame.Ìý
Why is our response to the naked body so contradictory and why is nudity different, depending on where you do it?
Laurie Taylor discusses nudity and our, sometimes contrary, attitudes to taking our clothes off with Ruth Barcan, author of Nudity – A Cultural Anatomy.
MAX WEBER (1864 – 1920) – Protestant Ethic
Max Weber was one of the founders of modern sociology.Ìý In November 1904 Weber published the first instalment of The Protestant Ethic and the ‘Spirit’ of Capitalism in the Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, Germany’s premier social science journal.Ìý
The essay was a dramatic illustration of the journal’s new tendency.Ìý Capitalism should be explained within its wider historical and cultural context and its significance for humanity evaluated.
To celebrate the centenary of the Protestant Ethic, Laurie Taylor invites Sam Whimster, Reader in Sociology at London Metropolitan University and editor of Max Weber Studies, alongside John Eldridge, Professor of Sociology at the University of Glasgow to debate Max Weber’s contribution to political thinking.Ìý Can his thesis still be considered relevant?
In the advanced global economies of the 21st Century what provides the impetus – moral, religious or otherwise – for us to get up each day and go to work?
Additional information:
Dr Ruth Barcan Lecturer, Department of Gender Studies, and author of numerous essays on the body, nudity and nudism, popular culture and pedagocy
Nudity – A Cultural Anatomy Berg PublishersÌý ISBN 1859738729
A two-day conference examining a range of themes centred around Weber's philosophy, including the developmental logic of contemporary capitalism, organised by Max Weber Studies and supported by the British Sociological Association.
Friday 11 – Saturday 12 June 2004 Venue: Toynbee Hall 28 Commercial Street LondonÌýE1 6LS Tel: 020 7247 6943 Registration 9.30am
Reader in Sociology at London Metropolitan University
The Essential Weber: a reader Edited by Max Weber Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Lt ISBN 0415244277
Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy Edited by Sam Whimster Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 0333730216
Professor of Sociology at the University of Glasgow
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