

Freezing the River
We've been
looking for a standard form of the language to adhere to for
centuries. If there's one thing that's dominated our journey
along the Routes of English, it's change. Melvyn investigates
those who've tried to purify English and those who think it
should be allowed to change.
Samuel Johnson
The man who
first tried to grapple with our language was the lexicographer,
Dr. Johnson. He saw a need to clarify words in terms of their
definition and usage.
Following publication
of Johnson's dictionary, there was a need for instruction on
how to use English. In response, Bishop Lowth produced a 'grammar'.
His book was highly influential and was considered the ultimate
authority on how English should be spoken and written.
Oxford English Dictionary
Edmund Weiner
is the chief philologist on the OED. He's now working on a project
to put the dictionary online, which will further change how
people regard the language.
bad grammar damaging?
John Humphrys,
presenter of Radio 4's Today Programme, believes that he has
a responsibility to speak English correctly, since he can influence
how people speak.
music - a bad influence?
Another area
of concern to the 'language police' is the lyrics of pop songs.
Stuart Maconie, broadcaster and pop music journalist, disagrees
that the language of pop music is damaging to the spoken word.
confidence of the native speaker
News broadcaster
Trevor Macdonald speaks for a living. He learnt English as a
second language and feels that the structure is desperately
important. He envies those who can be casual in their use of
the language.