
Ye Olde English Sayings
Ever wondered where 'eating humble pie' and other expressions
come from? |

Yorkshire Folk Talking
'Eh up! Aa'll tell thee summat!' |
 The Dialectizer
Type any text and see it translated into cockney or redneck.
 Shakespearian Insults
Prepare to be very offended, bard-style.
'Words that aren't in the dictionary but should be'.
 Cliche Finder
Cliches for every occasion.
 Pun of the Day
Groan? You will do when you see these.
 Australian English Glossary
Strine from A to Zed |
Your questions answered by our Message Board users. Post a question too. |
Do you know where the word 'avocado' came from? |
Thanks for joining in the chat, why not read the transcript. |
With series producers, Simon Elmes and Tony Phillips. |