CBeebies Schedule
Show Me Show Me—Series 4, Bears and Bamboo
17/25 Pui looks through the telescope at bears, then finds Chris and Teddington in a cave! (R)
Baby Jake—Series 1, Baby Jake Loves Being Funny
26/26 Baby Jake and Pengy Quin go on a snowy adventure and enjoy being funny. (R)
Alphablocks—Series 4, Home
9/13 O has the most extraordinary day ever, with a goat on a boat and a magic golden discovery. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 3, More About Rolling
5/25 The Twirlywoos watch a man who is putting a poster up on a billboard. (R)
Raa Raa the Noisy Lion—Series 1, Go Bananas
24/26 Raa Raa needs to transport lots of bananas to Ooo Ooo's in time for his party. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 2, Musical Statues
24/60 Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po enjoy a game of musical statues. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Hula Hoop
28/78 Bing tries Coco's hula hoop and finds out that it's harder than it looks. (R)
Numberblocks—Series 1, One, Two, Three!
Three does magic tricks with apples. (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Football Badge
40/52 Duggee and the Squirrels decide to play football, but the Squirrels don't know how to play (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Puppet Show Badge
41/52 Duggee and the Squirrels had a great adventure and want to tell everyone. (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 1, The Tale of the Hazelnut Raid
23/50 Peter accidentally destroys the squirrels' store of nuts, and sets out to replace them. (R)
Go Jetters—Series 1, Lambert-Fisher Glacier, Antarctica
9/52 When Glitch builds his effigy in ice, his digging threatens the Lambert Glacier. (R)
Octonauts—Series 3, Sea Pigs
7/22 The Octonauts must stop a huge herd of sea pigs before they fall into the Mariana Trench. (R)
Justin's House—Series 4, Secret Sock Detective
4/20 Justin has lost his favourite socks and is convinced that someone must have taken them. (R)
Kate and Mim-Mim—Series 2, The Fluff Between Your Ears
12/45 The gang are transported into Mim-Mim's fluffy brain to help him track down a lost memory. (R)
Timmy Time—Series 1, Timmy Wants to Win
3/26 It's the nursery sports day and Timmy wants to win, but soon his dreams of winning falter. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Blankie
32/78 Bing inadvertently pees on his blankie. Fortunately, his toy has a cape just as soft. (R)
Patchwork Pals—Series 1, Bee
3/26 Patchwork Bee hurts her wing and can't fly! Can the Patchwork Pals find a way to help her? (R)
Olobob Top—Series 1, Mister Nobody
12/52 Someone is playing tricks on everyone else. Deeno suggests it must be Mister Nobody.
Twirlywoos—Series 4, More About Wrapping
7/25 The Twirlywoos watch a man's leg being wrapped in bandages and decide to try wrapping too. (R)
Something Special—Series 7, Getting Arty
17/25 Mr Tumble takes photographs of Aunt Polly and Grandad Tumble. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 1, Football
57/60 Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po play football. (R)
Alphablocks—Series 3, Fit
9/26 H needs a helping hand to heave herself up the hill, so I turns instructor for a workout. (R)
Dinopaws—The Thing We'd Never Seen Before
2/51 The Dinopaws meet the longest Dinopaw in the world. (R)
The Lingo Show—Series 2, A Lieb of Faith
1/15 Lieb plans a spectacular flying act for the Big Bug Show. (R)
Small Potatoes—Playtime
19/26 The Small Potatoes enjoy playtime after school. (R)
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave—A Spot The Difference Adventure
31/53 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave play a 'spot the difference' game. (R)
My Pet and Me—Series 3, Coco and Squeaky the Guinea Pigs
2/20 Rory visits Fred and Bonita, and their guinea pigs Coco and Squeaky. (R)
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Sleeping Bags and Alarm Clocks
17/20 Can Chris and Pui build a den and climb a mountain before their alarm clock goes off? (R)
Waybuloo—Series 3, Being Happy
41/50 Lau Lau wants to paint a caterpillar's picture, so Lau Lau takes it to her art studio. (R)
I Can Cook—Series 2, Rhubarb Cobbler
21/26 Katy's friends join her to make rhubarb cobbler, using plenty of rhubarb. (R)
Teacup Travels—Series 1, Thimble
A seamstress needs her special thimble to sew a Celtic warrior queen into her armour. (R)
Spot Bots—Tickle Time
Cubi is in a tickling mood. (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 1, Why Lion Roars
23/26 Lion ventures into the great cave of Tinga Tinga to get his roar back. (R)
Everything's Rosie—Series 2, The Little Girl Who Wanted to Be a Tree
16/26 Holly inspires her friends to pretend to be someone else for a day. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Blankie
32/78 Bing inadvertently pees on his blankie. Fortunately, his toy has a cape just as soft. (R)
Patchwork Pals—Series 1, Bee
3/26 Patchwork Bee hurts her wing and can't fly! Can the Patchwork Pals find a way to help her? (R)
Olobob Top—Series 1, Mister Nobody
12/52 Someone is playing tricks on everyone else. Deeno suggests it must be Mister Nobody. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 4, More About Wrapping
7/25 The Twirlywoos watch a man's leg being wrapped in bandages and decide to try wrapping too. (R)
Something Special—Series 7, Getting Arty
17/25 Mr Tumble takes photographs of Aunt Polly and Grandad Tumble. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 1, Football
57/60 Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po play football. (R)
Alphablocks—Series 3, Fit
9/26 H needs a helping hand to heave herself up the hill, so I turns instructor for a workout. (R)
Dinopaws—The Thing We'd Never Seen Before
2/51 The Dinopaws meet the longest Dinopaw in the world. (R)
The Lingo Show—Series 2, A Lieb of Faith
1/15 Lieb plans a spectacular flying act for the Big Bug Show. (R)
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave—A Spot The Difference Adventure
31/53 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave play a 'spot the difference' game. (R)
My Pet and Me—Series 3, Coco and Squeaky the Guinea Pigs
2/20 Rory visits Fred and Bonita, and their guinea pigs Coco and Squeaky. (R)
Chuggington—Series 1, Frostini's Fruit Fandango
28/52 Wilson is helping Frostini create a new flavour of ice cream for the mayor's banquet. (R)
Andy's Wild Adventures—Series 2, Giant Tortoises
2/20 Andy and Kip head to the Galapagos Islands in South America in search of giant tortoises. (R)
Go Jetters—Series 1, Chichen Itza, Mexico
10/52 Grandmaster Glitch's giant ball game threatens El Castillo. Can the Go Jetters save it? (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 2, The Whistling Badge
2/52 The Squirrels want to learn how to whistle. (R)
The Furchester Hotel—Series 2, Hide-and-Seek
48/52 Elmo is practising for the world hide-and-seek championships, to be held at the hotel.
My Petsaurus—Series 1, Walkies
2/10 It's a chilly winter's day, and Chloe and her mum are walking Topsy in the park. (R)
School of Roars—Series 1, Get Well Soon
6/52 Miss Grizzlesniff has a bad case of the sniffles so Mr Marrow steps in to teach the class. (R)
Kazoops!—Series 1, The Greatest Gift
52/75 Monty wonders if a gift has to be big or cost money to be special. (R)
Time for School—Series 1, Episode 14
Miss Mills takes her class for a visit to the farm to learn all about the animals. (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 1, The Tale of the Radish Robber
1/50 Peter and his friends try to find the perfect place to eat their radishes. (R)
Messy Goes to OKIDO—Series 1, Rub-A-Dub Messy
44/52 Messy and friends discover how levers work. (R)
Dipdap—Wrong Noises
34/52 The Line draws animals, but they are all making the wrong noises. (R)
Sarah & Duck—Series 3, Perimeter Pals
27/40 Sarah, Duck and Bug attempt to cycle all the way around the park.
Topsy and Tim—Series 2, Wheelchair Exercises
22/30 Topsy and Tim decorate a surprise get-well gift for Mr Rosen. (R)
My First—Series 1, Museum
6/20 Harry visits a museum for the very first time, with Mum and Nana. (R)
Old Jack's Boat—Rockpool Tales Series 2, Rock Trouble
12/15 Old Jack tells a story about the day Sheena the Shrimp's musical rock broke. (R)
Clangers—Series 1, The Flying Froglets
5/52 It's Granny's birthday, and all the Clangers are planning their presents for her. (R)
The Adventures of Abney & Teal—Series 1, The Train
11/26 Abney and Teal tour the whole island on a train, but something gets in their way. (R)
In the Night Garden—Series 1, Upsy Daisy's Funny Bed
65/100 Upsy Daisy's bed follows Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy when they go for a walk. (R)
CBeebies Bedtime Stories—Extras, Tom Hollander - Cantankerous King Colin
Tom Hollander reads Cantankerous King Colin, by Phil Allcock and Steve Stone. (R)