Sunday - 2
Posted: Saturday, 28 January 2006 |
What is the obsession with wanting to hang out washing or dash about the place on the Sabbath? Religious aspects aside, why change the wonderful and long-held Ness tradition of snoozing through Sunday afternoon safe in the knowledge that we won't be disturbed - other than by the massed band of other local snorers. No doubt they'd call this licenced laziness a 'retreat' or somesuch on the mainland and advocate it as A Good Thing.
Annie B from Lone Sheiling
Err, so would going out walking be okay?
Coley from Lancashire
I'm sorry but its imposing your religious beliefs on other people and its completely unacceptable.
David from Lewis
Rivalry between Orkney and the Western Isles? None that I am aware of - the two island groups have distinct cultures but no rivalry!
hrossey from Mainland Orkney
I'm with annie on this one. Keep the shoplifters on the mainland for one day a week.
Sunny from Arran
The SS Politician is the perfect example of how strictly the sabbath is observed. The ship full of whiskey crashed on a Sunday. The protestant islanders has to stand by and watch the catholic islanders plunder the wreak until midnight!
Sunny from Arran
I have lived and worked in both Orkney and Lewis and was not aware of any rivalry. As for Sundays I am not religious although I was born and brought up in Lewis and I think things should stay as they always have been. Why would anyone choose to work on a Sunday anyway and if you want a drink of a sunday avo get a carryout on saturday night and save a can for sunday!!!!!!!! as for the boat that sank im quite sure the protestant islanders had plenty of whiskey hidden in the back of their drawers at home :-)
Ashleigh from Lewis
As a regular visitor to Lewis I really value the peace that Sunday allows. However, I have noticed over the past 15 years that observance is dwindling with Suday flights, hotel openings etc etc. It may be too late but please try to maintain the tradition as it is one of teh beauties of the island
Ged from Manchester
I live in Lewis and although things like the fitnes suite is closed at present, there is nothing to stop you doing pretty much anything you please as long as it does not offend anyone. WAshing out is fine (unless you are a church elder). you can go surfing, sailing, but for Christs sake (pun intended) dont start that ruddy lawnmower.
Murdo from Stornoway