Posted: Tuesday, 14 February 2006 |

The weather continues to be interesting this week, after two weeks of flat boredom. The barometer was rusted shut on the 1030 mbar position, although the weather did give rise to some beautiful sunsets, as pictured on several blogs. But today, we're back to Hebridean changeable weather. Heavy showers, bright intervals. The strong winds are expected tonight. After giving the eastern seaboard of the USA a good helping of snow, we can now expect the relevant weather system to give us a good helping of rain and wind. Barometers will be shedding their cobwebs - later in the week, Hebridean instruments will be tipping to the 965 mbar mark.

With a bit of luck, and providing my reading of the weather charts is correct. I think it's a timely reminder that we are actually nothing against the forces of Mother Nature. People in these islands are only too aware of that, but those cocooned away in airconditioned and heated offices tend to overlook that fact. Until they venture out of doors and get blown off their feet, slide around hopelessly on iced up surfaces and can't see the bonnet of their car for the fog.
I love weather.

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 18:45
Are you trying to say that the weather has beed somewhat inclement? As long as the ferry is still running it's spring as far as I'm concerned!
Sunny from Arran
I am not complaining about the weather, Sunny, merely remarking that it's interesting. November 11, 2005 was inclement. Not this week.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
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