Posted: Monday, 27 March 2006 |
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So the clocks have gone forward, and summer should be on its way. Well, not in a meteorological sense. Temperatures this morning are an abysmal 7C, and its drizzling heavily. A month ago, I was happily snapping away at spring pictures, and last week Stornoway looked more like a town near the Arctic circle.

That was during the worst of the blizzards, which caused travel chaos in Harris.

And this crocus was out a month ago. Oh well, everything in its own time. It's such a shame to see everything blasted by the wintery winds after this promise of an early spring. The most magical aspect of summer is the very, very long evenings. It's even more prominent in Shetland (hugging the 60th parallel, Stornoway is on the 58th), but this image of the town at midnight in June is special.

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 12:25
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