Crofting reform
Posted: Monday, 24 April 2006 |
1 comment |

Crofting is a subject that I have so far gingerly avoided, as I am not well versed in it. However, I would like to use this blog to publicise the Crofting Reform &c Bill which is currently going through the Committee stage of the Scottish Parliament. The Environment and Rural Development Committee is currently seeking opinions from those involved in crofting on the Reform Bill.
The text of the is available for viewing (all 70 pages of it) on the Scottish Parliament website.
Today, the Committee came to Stornoway and held a session in which representatives of crofters, housing organisations, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Lewis Wind Power, Stornoway Trust, Pairc Trust and other interested parties answered questions from the MSPs on the Committee.
They were clustered together in 4 panels - crofters, (prospective) landowners, housing and developers. Members of the public present at the meeting were also given the opportunity to address the Committee.
Anyone who has views on this issue, is invited to submit them to the Committee either in person at their next public meetings at Inverness and Oban, or by writing (by 8 May 2006) to:
Committee Clerks
The Environment and Rural Development Committee
Room T1.01
The Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 19:49
This is Arrans opportunity to join the crofting counties. Our representative is giving evidence to The Scottish Executive this week. Becoming a crofting county could be the islands last chance for any affordable housing on the island. I'm awa tae buy a chookie!
Sunny from Arran
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