Posted: Thursday, 18 May 2006 |

This afternoon, I went into the shops to purchase the Stornoway Gazette. Unfortunately, it was not yet available. All copies of our regional broadsheet were still on board MV Muirneag, bobbing out on the Minch, in the general vicinity of Benbecula. The problem is that the Gazette is printed on the mainland; in days of yore, it was printed in house, in Stornoway.
Now, I know that the weather today is rough and it's a southerly gale. But 60 miles off course AGAIN? At least she is in sheltered waters, and I'm keeping fingers crossed for her safe return.
UPDATE: It's just after 4pm, and Muirneag has just appeared outside the harbour. Phew, sigh of relief.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 15:45
People try their best. Why shouldnt a local bussiness have the best value for money? There are numerous examples of mainlanders out sourcing their products to foreign fields. While we're on the subject - its different living ones life on a fairly isolated area - its a different matter living on an island knowing or having lived elsewhere. One view things/feels things differently.
Neave from WORKING abroad but back every year
The Gazette is printed on the mainland? When did that happen?
Norseman from Central Scotland
rate of money
win from myanmar
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