Buses and Boats
Posted: Tuesday, 25 July 2006 |

I am going to have a scoff at our estimable ferry operators: Caledonian MacBrayne. It's a long time since I inhaled the fragrance of diesel exhaust fumes, or listened enraptured to the clink of fork against plateful of bacon butty.
In recent times, CalMac were presented with a petition for a late Saturday ferry. This would be convenient for those attending football matches in Inverness or folk going shopping there. The answer was no. There would be no connecting buses on either side of the journey on a Saturday and people would have to wait at Ullapool for 4 hours. That's not accurate.
On Wednesdays and Fridays, there is a very late ferry, departing Ullapool at 22.00 and arriving here in Stornoway at 00.45. Now, i agree that at a quarter to one in the morning, you can't expect the local bus operators to lay buses on to all parts of Lewis. But on Saturdays, there are buses to all corners at 11pm. So, why can't there be a ferry at 8pm (tweak the preceding departures a bit) from Ullapool, arriving here at 10.45, in great time for the buses out of SY?
I mean, on Wednesdays and Fridays, Citylink buses go to Ullapool to arrive there at 9.10pm, so I'm sure they could lay something on to arrive at 7pm??
Come off it, Calmac - people pay good money by necessity to go on your boats, so talk to Citylink, tweak your timetables and get it in order. Thanks.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 15:02