Arnish Fabrication Yard - 24 September 2006
Posted: Sunday, 24 September 2006 |
Are they "pipes" or tubular sections and cans and what`s the point of the reference to the omission of a rather novel way of spelling Macleod?
Ex Lewis Offshore Employee from Stornoway
Now my curiosity has been pricked. Let's have it all hang out.
mjc from NM,USA
Tubular sections, Ex. The reference was necessary, in case nobody takes over from Camcal and the place goes into receivership. Seems people are already staking claims on items in the yards. YOU named names - I did not.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
It is possible that the aforementioned whose name is there for all to see, has purchased the components and is simply waiting for planning permission to erect them on Island Road. That should please the local councillors!!
Ex Lewis Offshore Employee from Stornoway
Ex, what can I say, anything is possible along Island Road......
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
Are there a lot of big tubes on Lewis then? Here was me thinking they were exclusive to the Wee Pretendy Parliament..........
Flying Cat from ex Big Cage
Hey ex, are you saying there're vultures waiting to swoop? Is the place a dead duck? Who's gonna pick the bones then?
joe grope from frontroom
Nuclear alive and kicking, renewables in terminal decline except Wilson's Fans from B & Q. Dead duck, dead loss -dead right.
Daro from Bangor, north Wales