Posted: Friday, 16 February 2007 |
It does seem ironic that even the climate itself seems against the turbines now. The load factors quoted by Lewis Wind Power are completely unrealistic, given the number of alternately gusty/stormy and becalmed days we have in Lewis. And that means even less power produced, ergo less income for the communities.
leodhais from Lewis
nice blog. looking forward to being a neighbour soon
Andrea from Manc.
I guess Shetland and the Western Isles are fairly comparable in the wind stakes (you beat us, though this winter that seems scarcely believable) and the loading there is around 50%. The only reason for the popularity of wind energy is the subsidy, and I suspect this is to the detriment of wave and tidal energy development, so that huge resource down the Long Island will go begging for years to come.
hrossey from Mainland Orkney
I’m finding it very difficult to see the wood for the trees on this important matter (yes I know you don’t have any trees but there are plenty where I type). Can it really be true that the majority of local councillors that voted in favour of the development are all acting from self interest and not actually representing the community that voted them in? Is it actually the case that youngsters are generally in favour (job prospects etc) and it’s the older retired or nearly retired that are both objecting and more prolific on Island Blogging? We are such hypocrites (me included). I rode my bike across Lewis last summer, on a lovely Peatlands lane from the West coast to Stornaway – low carbon wheel track. But I’m off to Madrid for a long weekend in March and to Tuscany (with bike) for a week in May. We want both peace and tranquillity, and the luxuries of 21st century life. We are not prepared to slash our energy usage. Down the road in Cromarty there seems to be some of experiment that puts a turbine onto a disused oil rig platform – then tows it out to sea for generation. Presumably much more expensive than the proposed Lewis option?
Bunchrew Seer from The Crannog, Beauly Firth
Bunchrew Seer, The objecting is done by between 50 and 90% of islanders here. The councillors that voted in favour did so out of the mistaken belief that the windfarm would be the Holy Grail for economic regeneration of the Isle of Lewis. It isn't.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
How are you doing Bunchie? Taking JetBlue are you?! Luxury for me, apart from a sag wagon and good digs with superb meals, is to see hilly mountain sides from the back of a tandem bike, with someone in front pedalling furiously, trying to keep the cholesterol level down in hopes of life eternal. Have a good time, old crock.
mjc from NM,USA