South Lochs
Posted: Wednesday, 09 January 2008 |
1 comment |
Went for a quick visit to Kershader, South Lochs, yesterday. Very cold, there was ice in the road verges and on the lochs. As I arrived at 3pm, within an hour of sunset, light was at a premium. Still, I'd like to think I captured the mood and beauty of the place. I only know it in a wintry setting, as I spent the winter of 2004/5 in this area.

Kershader village

Loch Erisort at Kershader

Loch Erisort from a peatroad east of Kershader

Waterlogged track along Loch an Tairbeirt

A clue to the answer to "why is this area called Lochs?"

Returning to the village

Balallan at dusk
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 14:46
Thanks for publishing pictures etc.Keeps one in touch with the island.
Murdo Matheson from Stilton.Cambridgeshire
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