Fank 07 I Can't Believe It's Not That Time Again
Posted: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 |
Thank you for making me smile this morning with your light hearted humour and then some!
AcutelyCurious from Coll
Murdo John would like to be in charge of PR and has volunteered to pose for adverts. He's sure he could attract attention if his picture was displayed on billboards.
Annie B from the usual
well turn me around and call me a dullard ... Here's me thinking that Fanks is all about dipping sheep, blocking the Pentland Road with your trailers whilst looking about smugly at people without any sheep, who would just like to get to Boots thankyou very much ... And you're telling me that I could've got me a husband ...??!! All in the one journey, done and dusted ...? The mind boggles ... Five years of ignorance ... :-)
Soaplady Towers from with lightbulb flashing above head
thanks for tryng to bring a smile to my face,i've just had one of my cats put down and another is going to be tested for the same illness this pm so come on everybody make me laugh
carol from france
Hope the cat is OK - if not why not come to the Fank and try your bonheur. Is it true that the French laugh into their beards - Il rit dans sa barbe whereas we laugh up our sleeves and how does this work for women - aren't they supposed to laugh quietly?
calumannabel from chateau briand skigersta
Surely Chrissie Mary must be at least part French? (I'm just guessing she sports une barbe formidable...)
Flying Cat from Cott of Barbel
Ahem. I have a most vexing problem. What to wear so as to avoid looking like a Texan or New Mexican on Safari. fashion reports appear to focus (and rightly so) on appropriate dress for locals. Bt what of vistors outwith and of no connection what so ever to island life.I wish to be myself but not offend. Colonial Mother is of no help and insists that dress is of little importance. Help, please.
Tired Father from Sebastopol Charity Shop
Whe you mention the Auld Alliance to Chrissie Mary she thinks you are talking about the triste she and Donald William shared behind a peat stack in Aird Dell in 1939 - that's as French as she gets.
calumaimable from Fait Accompli Port of Ness
calumamnnabel,what is the fank?mummy cat tested negative!
carol from france
A fank is a area penned off to separate sheep from lambs and for dipping and shearing them. Look at my blogs from a year ago and it might become more clear. Maybe Arnish will provide aphoto - he has in the past. Pleased about your negative cat.
calumaixlachapelle from lewis
thanks for enlighting me will look at old blogs-two other cats have tested negative today,last one gets tested tomorrow
carol from france
What is a Fank???? Good grief!!!!!! It's what ib is all about. It's raisin d'锚tre, it's reason for bean (Seen Bean, mmmmmmmm {says fpu}). Do somme research Carol. You need to Keep Up. As the actress said (probably to no avail) to the bishop. Why is Chrissie Mary so sad? She has so much to live for, so much to celebrate. Not least a narrow escape from marital horror with DonnieBill. Tired Father, wear a Big Sark. No need to feel shirty.
Flying Cat from Chambresol d'Eternit茅
Big Sark??? And here's me thinking Big Sark is an Island twixt Britain and France. Well, any hoo, I've found a smart number with zippers that coverts to three lengths if need be. Only $9.99 from the travel store. Shipping extra.
Tired Father from Sebastopol Shirt Works