Chrissie Mary's Beauty Regime
Posted: Monday, 05 March 2007 |
It may just be a coincidence, but, what with all the spawn production and stuff, I think Chrissie Mary has been using secretions of frogspawn on her pearly peaux. It is peculiarly opalescent and yet strangely sticky and may hold the Secret of Eternal Youf. Is the Dell Bus-shelter as famous as the Unst Bus-shelter which has its own website?
Flying Cat from Hitranshelterwhere'sthebloodybus?
Calum., you forgot to mention that Bunchie will be coming from the Froth of Firth to set up a live web cam to reveal all the doings in the bus shelter. Arrangements are being made as we converse for the proceedings to be shown on the big screen in pubs from Coll to Stornoway, from Stromness to Scalloway and perhaps even Hoy, Flotta, Shapinsay and Unst. There are rumors that Al Jazeera might sponsor this expose of Western Decadence (be Beeb probably being expressly forbidden by its Charter to fund Fanks - or fanky side shows - of any kind). My information is of course utterly unreliable (but I do have the decency to provide it free of charge).
mjc from NM,USA
Dell bus shelter has its own spider's web and that's about it. It also has a distictly sheepish smell.
calumannabel from Dingly Dell
What has Bunchie been doing in the Firth of Forth to make it frothy? For goodness sake control yourself and save it for the Fank. I'm taking it for granted that the Foam Czar be able to control the frothing as well....
Flying Cat from station frogwatch
send me some of crissie mary's secrets please
carol from france
Calum, you know fine well that CM is just getting over the fuss on the machair last year when she got over-excited by Sunny's high faluting talk about seaweed therapy. You shouldn't go encouraging her - especially when she thinks that the bus shelter is like a static concrete version of a revolving door. She won't know which section to meet in.
Annie B from the usual
CM pours half a bottle of Glen's Vodka into her evening bath, puts a dab behind each ear and drinks the rest of the bottle. She uses Vanish detergent on her skin and she gets the healthy ruddy complexion from rubbing Vim vogorously into her cheeks - it firms he bottom wonderfully for those toght dungarees.
Max the Factor from Galson Estate
must it be vodka???
carol from from feeling uglyand inneedof a facial
I am typing like the policeman in 'Allo Allo' Sirry I apalogese
killimannabill from nis
It doesn't have to be vodka - a combination of Gin and Ellaman's Rub works 'chust as well'
clarinsannabel from Dell
i was thinking more in the line of macallan or similar perhaps an ilse of jura(superstition or nothing else) would that do the trick????? or am ipast it?
carol from feelinguglyand inneedof a facial