Shameless Self Promotion
Posted: Friday, 25 January 2008 |
well many thanks CA, and I'm pleased you like the soap (though some might say that geranium was, at the very least, a bit 'girley' for a full-bodied character like you :-) ... I will be pleased to look at your interesting-sounding film WHOOPS no I can't cos I'm still analog here ... Though at the rate the analog signal keeps failing, I'm going to be going to digital much faster than I had otherwise planned ... I don;t think we've had one uninterrupted night of television this week ... Driving me stark staring mad, it is ...!
soaplady from blushing with pride in Soap Towers :-)
how dare you promote the "soaplady's soap" I was refused comments last spring as it was publicity for her!! Ok i forgive you, her soaps are fantastic,i've got some and had some sent to friends in scotland and in nz,whats more they are organic so are really good for all types of skin! kep making them soaplady!
carol from in a huff
Alas I can't watch your masterpiece as I don't have Sky, but I agree with you about Soaplady's gorgeous products!
Jill from EK
Congratulations on your film and subsequent preproduction. That ought to buy a guga or two. My local broadband provider is willing to install Sky Television but the cost is dear. Have searched far and wide for video clips to no avail. Perhaps you can link us all to a teaser?
TiredFather from UnderASkylessMoon
Didn't think shame was in your vocabulary.
Nic from Coll
Is that Machair Flowers the well known Utter Hebridean soap star that you are washing with?
Flying Cat from save water share a shower
My praises of the Soaplady's products, famous in the SW deserts, have gone awol. Hello Anne from IBHQ? HELLOOO?
mjc from NM,USA
Anne is now called Carol and has been for a while...
Flying Cat from setting the record straight
We don't have Sky either...
Flying Cat from feeling a bit disappointed
i agree mjc:
tws weather girl from still in kiwi land but not for long
"a teaser," TiredFather? On IB? You have to be joking. # Also, how come you are TiredFather? Anyway, the remedy is at hand: Essence de Guga, or at least a Sue Lawrence Guga Reduction should whip you back into shape. Until then, no teaser for you! It's for your own good.
mjc from NM,USA
The subject of the blog was a filum, not a soap-opera! I wish I had been able to see the filum. If it is half as crazy as this blog then it was worth watching.
Barney from Swithiod and sopa-opera time
Right, FC, Carol. Now that we've got THAT record straight, how about the other wee problem concerning the strange disappearance of innocent comments in the night?
mjc from NM,USA
I have a special manly version of 'Machair Flowers. A small amount of sheep nd rabbit poo is removed from the machair and added to the sopa at the last minute.
camayannabel from lewis
My film, Six Tenners and a Soprano is on the short film strand of the website. They were the producers assigned to me by the Film Council.
calumoscar from hollyrude boulevard stornoway
I watched the film. At least I think I did. I watched lots of films, and kept watching because they were short and there was always another about to start. The dog liked the dog one best, I liked the one in the garage. Stupidly I thought I'd recognise yours because there would be a Scottish element in it, and there wasn't. I should have read the shameless self promotion better, next time don't be so shy and retiring. Are you still making films? Does anyone out there want Sky installed. We could do a tour (no demand for Sky on Coll anymore, everyone has it).
Nic from Coll
hi Nic Not making films a the moment but have written a comedy series for TV - more details later. The director and some of the actors have been assigned.I have begun a WW2 novel set in Lewis and Northern France which my agent is pushing me to write so the research for that is extremely interesting. Thanks Nic for your interest and the questions. Are you a writer?
calumannabel from lewis
Wow Calumannabel, am I impressed or what? The only thing I write is the blog (I just edit the Coll mag, and it only comes out once a year) although I did send in a script for something called The Last Laugh, organised by one of the new (then) 大象传媒 channels. I thought my script was very funny, but it didn't win. I don't think I'm very good at self-criticism, although I'm brilliant at criticising others. PS I did enjoy your film.
Nic from Coll
'course she is a writer. And a reader, word and photo editor, a gardener, a poacher (at least in her salad days in merry old England), a plane spotter, not to mention cook extraordinaire. Good grief, Calum., need you ask: she is a Collach (of sorts) after all.
mjc from NM,USA
mjc, you forgot chairmaker, saint, beer fan, burger cooker (doesn't qualify as cheffing), and inveterate gossip. This year I might also become a train driver, lollipop lady, bus shelter repairer, fashion buyer, fox hunter and a victim of CCTV, but only if Coll changes drastically.
Nic from Coll
Nic, fox hunting as caught on CCTV? Next thing you'll be mentioned in the Commons at Question Time: "Would the dishonorable Minister for .... care to ..(blah! blah!! Order, ORDER!!).
mjc from NM,USA
Time to flog another blog, Calum. It's a new year after all. The monkey is dead, long live the rat!! ... well, until it adorns Diamond.'s Doulton plate (let's have pics.!!).
mjc from NM,USA
The pig it was that died.
Flying Cat from a lunar tic
very impressed by your cv calum, sadly I don't have tv so can't see your filum or look forward to the telly series and i love comedy, will try the net link but i doubt it will work on dial up......
island threads from ness
jbbutterfield from peoples republic of hartlepool