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16 October 2014


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Fletcher Saga 19 March 2007

At the end of February a swan flew into the overhead electricity line and blacked out the village for 5 hours until a repair team from Kirkwall came over on evening ferry, they arrived at 7 pm and the power was back on again at 9 pm.
We had some very strong winds and heavy rain on Sun 18 Mar. The power was off from very early morning until just before mid-day. Here is a of MV Hamnavoe (8,600 tons) sailing on Sun 18 Mar, and here's a of MV Hamnavoe in more peaceful waters .Today's weather (Monday 19 Mar) is a bit better but it is still very cold. Fortunately we have not had the snow that was forecast.
The attendance at the Monday evening singing class last week was down from its usual 9 or 10 to an all male session of 4 plus Michael, our tutor. We were all recovering from colds & sniffles so it was not so much "singing" as "synchronised coughing".
I found some Stronsay-related photographs on flickr, they were taken during the wedding last year (2006) of Gail, the daughter of a local farmer:

(the manse is on the left, it actually lies about 100 yards behind the kirk)

Malcolm's cat Jaffa is now fully recovered from his illness and the dogs are all in good health as we can hear when we telephone Malcolm or Sue - all six dogs break into a frenzy of barking whenever the phone rings.
There's been an exchange of correspondence via the Orcadian email list on the topic of "You are an Orcadian if...."
* You park your car facing into the wind to prevent door damage when you get out.
* You take it as a personal insult if you have to show a card when writing a cheque.
* You refuse to acknowledge the existence of a Shetland version of Strip the Willow.
* Ferry journeys should be spent reading a book or sitting on a comfy seat rather than freezing outside.
* You understand that 'cla thee hole' can be an affectionate tribute to your wit.
* 'Reed cans' contain McEwan's Export.
* Scotland is not the mainland.
* You understand the merit of choosing your words carefully, then not saying them just to be on the safe side.
* You know there is no difference between a 'ruckle o stones' and 'archaeological evidence of ritual practice'.
* You eat Kettle Chips because the way they hurt your gums reminds you of Orkney Crisps.
* You find trees fascinating and stare at them in amazement.
* You feel faintly uncomfortable when there are no kye in ear-shot.
30 second pauses in the midst of a conversation are normal.
* You can hold a conversation for well over an hour consisting only of the words and phrases: "aye", "u-uh", "weel", "beuy", "this is it", "grand day fir it", and 30 second pauses.
* Whisky is Grouse or HP.
* You know exactly what "3rd cousin, once removed, on my mother's side" means, and exactly to whom it refers.
*You are reduced to an incoherent spitting rage by gaelic language TV.

Posted on Claremont at 12:11


Mhmmm...the cat-news has become vestigial and there is evidence of a surfeit of d.o.g.s, but the 'You are an Orcadian if...' is intersting. I tried it on the female parental unit, and she relates to about eight of the above. (for our friends Oot West, we don't object to Gaelic language programmes per se, it's just "We dinna spik Gaelic up here, you ken". And I'm not saying whether she is or isn't.......

Flying Cat from an admiring glance

back to stronsay wih your blog //long time ago // thanks // tryingbto do something of old times with Rain on my Window blog // takes time //

oldmanofhoy.blogspot.com from caithness

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