Fletcher Saga 06 November 2007
Posted: Tuesday, 06 November 2007 |
The renovation of Maureen's "medieval" hall is proceeding at a steady pace. The roof has been replaced and is now completely water tight. Jobs still to be done include replacing the existing windows & door with double-glazed items, lining the walls with plasterboard, putting up some wallpaper, applying a bit of paint and, finally, laying some carpet tiles.
Stronsay kirk's Harvest Thanksgiving took place on the morning of the last Sunday in October. In the evening a concert was held in the Community Centre to raise money for the installation of new, disabled-friendly toilets in the kirk. The concert was to have been the day before but there were two funerals on Saturday and the concert was postponed out of respect for and with the approval of the families involved. The concert played to a packed, enthusiastic audience and it was good to see so many talented, keen youngsters on the stage; the Stronsay School Choir and Gaynor's Youth Band were particularly well received.
This month got off to a bad start. About a week ago I had put in an order to Highland Fuels for a delivery of heating oil but I'd miscalculated and we ran out of oil last Thursday. Fortunately we have a couple of portable butane gas heaters and electric fan heaters so we did not freeze and the immersion heater kept us supplied with hot water. I telephoned Highland Fuels on Monday morning and they said they hoped to get the tanker out on the Tuesday ferry, always assuming there was space on the ferry. Therefore I was very relieved when I went to pick up Michael Lee (tutor to our Monday evening singing group) at the pier and saw the Highland Fuels tanker drive off the Monday evening ferry. The oil delivery took place during the evening and in atrocious weather conditions (strong winds & driving rain) so when Michael & I got back from the singing class the oil tank was full to the brim. I confidently pressed the "reset" button on the oil-fired boiler but an air lock had occured in the oil delivery pipe and no amount of twiddling with reset buttons would get the boiler restarted. After a while I gave up and we spent a fifth night without central heating. Today (Tuesday) I came downstairs and, after dropping Michael Lee off to catch the morning ferry, I got out my tool kit, took the front panel off the boiler and after careful perusal of the handbook (why do manufacturers print their manuals in such tiny print?) managed to cure the airlock problem. I sighed with relief when the boiler fired up and started to deliver hot water to the central heating system.
Whilst I was out at the singing class Maureen was on the phone to her friend, Chris, in Bexley Heath whilst Surrey (our friendly cat) was lounging on the ironing board. Chris is a lady who is notorious for her extremely loud sneezes (even louder than mine!) so when she sneezed during her chat with Maureen Surrey heard it from across the room, shot bolt upright and fell off the ironing board. Not bad going for a sneeze in Bexley Heath to make a cat fall off an ironing board in Orkney.
Dr George MacKay, Stronsay's genial GP, is having a few weeks off so the island has a locum GP. He, his wife & their 2 year old daughter went to the Harvest Home in the Community Centre on Saturday evening unaware that it was a "ticket only" event. However, Stronsay rose to the occasion and an extra table was squeezed in so the locum & his family could join in the event. By all accounts they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were quite amazed that the other youngsters there got his daughter up on the dance floor for some gentle country dancing. Who knows, they might even decide to come here when Dr MacKay retires in a couple of years time.
A reminder that the will be active from 25th Nov 2007 to 5th Feb 2008. And don't forget that there are one or two webcams on Orkney which operate all year round - see and
Posted on Claremont at 12:30
Prompt service, indeed. I assume that, in extremis, you could always have found warm shelter with the neighbors. Is there no peat cutting in Stronsay? A stack of peat for emergency?
mjc from NM,USA
I have no doubt that our neighbours would have taken pity upon us but we had plenty of propane gas cylinders and electric fan heaters.
We don't have a peat stack (but there is peat for cutting on Rothiesholm) and we don't have a fireplace so we're limited to gas & electricity as a means of heat & cooking.
Bruce Fletcher from Stronsay
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