Posted: Monday, 04 February 2008 |
...WELL...what WAS it?????
Flying Cat from all agog
...sorry previous comment (if it appears) was meant for the 'thing-through-the-window-posting'...
Flying Cat from puzzled&confused
FC it is in the post because the beeb has not published it in the comments, here you are again, it is a V shaped piece of metal, flattened it would be about 8 inch square, there is a hole in it which looked as if it had burned, so I think it is one of those things people put on their chimneys to stop the wind going down, I bet they all show up now!!!!!!
island threads from lewis
Just read your earlier comments that put us all out of our misery re the Thing That Came Through The Window. Just as well it didn't hit you, IT, could have been really nasty! Have you got a glazier yet?
Jill from EK
Gosh IT, I'm so sorry to have put you to all this bother...'It's in the post' could be applied to a lot of comments...
Flying Cat from buses, its just like buses
not you putting me to bother FC but the beebs spam filler that just doesn't like my comments (or me),
island threads from lewis
jill yes I hope it didn't hit anyone before it reach me, the glazier is coming next week, IT hoping the beeb spam fillter will let this and my previous comment through!!!
island threads from lewis