BT’s catch 22
Posted: Friday, 22 February 2008 |
The odds are pretty good that (later rather than sooner) you'll in fact GET a call from a BT employee informing you that your phone has obviously been fixed. Be prepared. Don't freak out when the phone rings, IT. Have a good weekend. What's your ring tone, IT? "Have a drink, have a drink on me?" Surely not "Kumbaya"?!!
mjc from NM,USA
Well did an engineer call? This could be a film: The Engineer only Rings Twice maybe?
Muness from Fetlar
sounds about right for BT!! Were u on hold for the customary hour and a bit too only to get told you have to phone a different department GRRR!!!!!!!!!
IL from harris
I'm afraid this is the kind of service we are expected to put up with these days. People are recruited off the streets, don't have to learn anything about the business they are in, given a script and let loose on paying customers. If the script says that you will be informed of an impending visit, then by God you had better make sure that you have some means of receiving the message - otherwise YOU are not following the script. This all implies of course that any fault is bound to be on your premises, bound to be on your side of the linebox and bound to cost you big bucks to get fixed. More than likely, the fault will be in the local exchange or cable and the only time an engineer needs to contact you is to inform you that the fault has been cleared. I worked for BT many years ago and I once overheard an operator say to a customer "If you don't like the service here, try somewhere else". That was at a time when there was NO choice. Now there IS a choice and we as customers should be making it clear to BT and anyone else from whom we buy a service, that they had better provide us with a service that meets our expectations - or we WILL exercise our choice.
Murdo from Lewis
right on Murdo the fault WAS with the local exchange but the engineer had to enter my home and play around with my phone for half an hour before he decided it was an outside fault, no fancy ringtones mjc and I did have a nice weekend thanks, I hope everyone else did too, even if I had a mobil phone they do not work down here at the bottom of the Dell but there is this assumption now that 'everyone' has a mobil,
island threads from ness lewis
IT, next time you call BT, mention my name.
mjc from NM,USA
There are bits of Murdo's comment there that are reminiscent of Ruthodanort's on IBHQ. Both very restrained, considering the subject matter in each case!
Flying Cat from Auntie Monopoly