New Year plan
Posted: Thursday, 21 December 2006 |
Far be it for me to tell a Christian anything, but have you tried "prayer" I believe it's all the rage in churches. Make a joyful noise unto the lord, all ye lands,
thewhitesettler from Psalm 100
Well, daily I try matins, lauds, terce, sext, vespers, compline and then of course whatever prayers spring to mind as I move through the day!
Michellechoza from Orkney
If you would like to email me at : I will endeavour to elucidate aka "help".
Septuagent from NE England
Well, well folks: let's back off, and give the lady the right to enjoy the Epistle of James at leisure. I am sure (I hope) she is not arriving in Orkney to be holier than thou or to proselytize. Personally, I would have found the Song of Songs and (just to get my blood pressure up) the multiple letters of Paul more to my liking, but, hey, it takes all sorts to make a world. Of course, I am somehow tempted to suggest that good deeds and a good life are not to be declaimed in the temple/in public, but rather performed and lived as a matter of course through the vicissitudes of every day life in silence (I am afraid this is sounding like a soporific high school essay. 'this the continuing influence of those Irish brothers, methinks!).
mjc from NM,USA
Don't back off !!!!!! Life's too short. I'm not going to bite - or hit anyone over the head with a bible. Or wring someone's neck with my rosary beads. I am Catholic but I'm not a militant fanatic that will chase you down with holy water as I attempt to convert you. I am sharing the way *I* experience life. Isn't this what blogging is all about? I invite you to read my posts and share my adventures - but this doesn't mean I expect YOU to be exactly like me. I'll never attack any of you and as long as you don't attack me I'll always enjoy reading comments! Its' so fun to dialog with different people from all around! (If anyone does attack me I'll just ignore and not bother responding. I have more important things to do!)
Michellechoza from Riding a coo
I had not realized before Michellechoza and Things Go moo in the night were one and the same. # My guess - cf. your subsequent "apple of doom"- that you were not Catholic was not on the mark. I stand corrected. # Wish you, your husband, and all who read this blog all the very best for the New year. # I am off to different pastures.
mjc from NM,USA
"Things that go moo in the night" has asked that this extract from an email be posted here - if we understand her correctly ! Here goes : "It is this "action" that the Letter of James" is all about. He says that to claim that you have "faith" but to see or exhibit no sign that it is working within you is to be hypocritical. John says the same, "Whoever says, 'I am in the light', while hating a brother is still in the darkness". (1 John 1: 9)"
Septuagent from NE England