A lull in lambing has allowed me to post some pictures...
Posted: Friday, 06 April 2007 |
You`ve got trees! I`m envious! :D I love the colour yellow too, oor daffs arenae oot though yet, I think they`re a peedie bit scared o` the winds meself. Bonny pictures.
Hermit from Sanday
We have trees indeed! The walled garden has several tall trees and Erlend has spent most of his life planting trees all over the place. He's had two big hedges of native trees put up via the Scottish Natural Heratidge folk. And he planted willows all around his silage pits. You should hear the birds! They just LOVE having all these places to perch!
Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney
I bet those hat pins came back with the big boom in beading. Just look at what they are made of!! Such gorgeous beads!! Love all your pix!! Love the color of the flowers!!
Shauna from Tejas