Monday, the first day of Easter Season (which lasts 40 days until Pentecost.)
Posted: Monday, 16 April 2007 |
"How many perish in the world through vain learning, who little care for the service of God! And because they chose rather to be great then to be humble, therefore they are lost in their own imaginations."
"The Imitation of Christ" Thomas A' Kempis,
pg. 10,
Baronius Press 2005
What a cool little book this is! And I found a lovely portable size edition. I never cared for "The Imitation of Christ" before because I was too busy being cool and self-centered. But after such an
interesting and eye-opening Lent I've decided to give it another try. However, I wouldn't recommend reading this wee book if you are tired or distracted - it's a bit heavy and not an "easy read."
And I found another treasure!
"The Rule of Saint Benedict" in the more original English rather then a watery "modern" translation that rather kills the meaning of his words and turns them into warm-fuzzy feel good stuff. Since I'm aspiring to become a Benedictine Oblate with Pluscarden Abbey I figured it would be a good investment. *grin*
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 09:55
I sent a comment on this, but suspect I didn't give it a proper send-off. I, too, am exploring this small powerful book again and am reaping lots from it. Blessings to you in regard to your aspirations of becoming a Benedictine Oblate. This great saint did much for the world.
LaRae from CA
Ruthodanort from Unst
Was that a sneeze Ruthodanort??
Michelle Therese from Moooo!
Nei, MT, it was a physical reaction right enough, but of the kind that happens when you get an overload of too much of something in you.
Ruthodanort from Unst.
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